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Useful links

GWAS Catalog summary statistics documentation

  1. Summary statistics format
  2. Summary statistics
  3. GWAS Catalog FTP

Sumstat formatting tools

  1. UI formatting tool: SSF-morph
  2. CLI formatting tool: gwas-sumstats-tools

Nextflow documentation:

  1. Nextflow documentation

Contact US

We'd love to hear from you!

  1. To provide feedback or ask a question, contact the GWAS Catalog team on
  2. If you believe you’ve encountered a bug, please don’t hesitate to report it in our GitHub repository.
  3. If you encounter any issues while running the pipeline, feel free to join the discussion in the gwas-sumstats-harmoniser Discussions!


If you use the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog tool in your research, please refer to the "How to Cite the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog, Data, or Diagrams" section on our website for proper citation guidelines.