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Preparing Input Files

To harmonise GWAS summary statistics data, the pipeline requires two input files for each dataset:

  1. GWAS Summary Statistic File - TSV input
  2. Metadata YAML File - YAML input

GWAS Summary Statistic File

Data requirement

The pipeline requires a tab-separated values (TSV) file with a standardised header and the following minimum required columns:

  • rsid (or chr and pos): Variant identifier or chromosome and position.
  • effect allele: The allele with the reported effect.
  • other allele: The non-effect allele.
  • p-value: The statistical significance of the variant.

This is the minimum requirement to run the pipeline. However, if you have beta, odds_ratio, hazard_ratio, z_score or effect_allele_frequency, these should also be given as standard headers to ensure they are recognised by the pipeline. Please refer to GWAS Catalog website for more information about standard headers.

Ensure that required columns do not have missing values, while non-required fields with pandas-recognised missing value markers (e.g., NA, NaN, None) will be processed without issue.

Sumstats input file example: gwas_sumstat_name.tsv
chromosome  base_pair_location  effect_allele  other_allele  p_value  rsid         
1 693730 A G 0.1 NA
1 935393 GCCACGGG G 0.1 NA
1 935474 CGC C 0.1 rs1014128468
22 16052961 T C 0.77 NA

Preparing the sumstats data:

The process for preparing your input data depends on the number of summary statistics (sumstats) files you need to harmonise and the level of modifications required.

  • For a few sumstats in TSV format with minimal changes: You can manually edit the column headers using a text editor like vi. For example: vi sumstat.tsv

  • For a few sumstats requiring significant modifications: We recommend using our online formatter tool, SSF-morph, to prepare your input files. This tool simplifies the reformatting process and ensures compatibility with the pipeline.

  • For a large number of sumstats already in TSV format: You can customize the header recognition directly in the pipeline code. This allows you to quickly adapt the pipeline to recognise different header formats without manually editing each file.

Customise your header recognition
CHR_DSET = 'chromosome' # Replace 'chromosome' with your header for chromosome
BP_DSET = 'base_pair_location' # Replace 'base_pair_location' with your header for base pair location
EFFECT_DSET = 'effect_allele' # Replace 'effect_allele' with your header for effect allele
OTHER_DSET = 'other_allele' # Replace 'other_allele' with your header for other allele
PVAL_DSET = 'p_value' # Replace 'p_value' with your header for p value
  • For a large number of sumstats requiring significant reformatting: Use our gwas-sumstats-tools to batch format the data. With a single configuration file, you can efficiently process multiple files, reducing manual effort.

YAML Configuration File

Data requirement

The pipeline requires a YAML file for each sumstat, containing essential metadata.

YAML input file example: gwas_sumstat_name.tsv-meta.yaml
# Study meta-data
date_metadata_last_modified: 2023-02-09

# Genotyping Information
genome_assembly: GRCh37
coordinate_system: 1-based

# Summary Statistic information
data_file_name: gwas_sumstat_name.tsv
file_type: GWAS-SSF v0.1
data_file_md5sum: 32ce41c3dca4cd9f463a0ce7351966fd

# Harmonization status
is_harmonised: false
is_sorted: false

While all fields in the YAML file are required for the pipeline to run, only the genome_assembly and coordinate_system fields must be accurate for proper harmonisation.

Preparing the YAML data:

You can copy the example YAML file above to create your own. Make sure to adjust the genome_assembly and coordinate_system fields based on your dataset.

  • The default value for coordinate_system is 1-based.
  • There is no default value for genome_assembly, so you must specify it according to your data.